Three Essential Make Up Tips: Lipstick


Lipstick can be the finishing touch to a perfectly made up face, and if chosen and applied correctly should be wonderfully flattering. Here’s three essential tips for the preparation and application of lipstick.
Tip One: Ensure A Good Base
– A lipstick is only going to be as good as the area it is being applied on to, so ensure your lips are as soft and smooth as possible. You can buy expensive lip balms which will help keep your lips soft and smooth, or a simple application of Vaseline (petroleum jelly) nightly will achieve the same results. Use a soft toothbrush to remove any loose flakes of skin from your lips, ensuring a good base.
Tip Two: Apply Lipstick Using A Brush

Although lipsticks can be applied directly from the tube, use a small and thin brush to apply. This ensures you can trace the outline of your lips better, and ensure an even coverage of the colour across your mouth. Start at the edges and work inwards for the best overall appearance.
Tip Three: Use A Sealant
Lipstick is notorious for coming off when performing every day tasks such as eating and drinking. Therefore an essential part of your lipstick routine should be using a sealant, which will protect the colour and vibrancy of your lipstick. Once you have applied the lipstick (and lip liner, if you have chosen to use it), blot once on a sheet of tissue. You can then apply an over-the-counter sealant, once again using a brush, which will hold things in place.

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