Sage – gray hair regains its color and teeth become whiter. Discover beauty recipes behind this plant

Sage is one of the oldest medicinal plants being used since ancient Egypt. By then it was used to stop bleeding wounds and for disinfection, also having curative properties in gastric diseases.
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An old proverb says “who has sage in the garden does not need a doctor”, and reality perfectly reflects this sayings. In the garden it chase away insects that attack carrots, cabbage, strawberries, tomatoes and marjoram.

Dried sage leaves placed in the closet banish insects from the house. Sage essential oil is used in cosmetics, and the leaves are used successfully both in phytotherapy and gastronomy.
Sage can do wonders for the beauty chapter, especially for our hair. For example, in order to maintain the natural color and shine of your hair, after washing it with regular shampoo, do the final rinse with this decoction prepared as follows: put 3-4 tablespoons of crushed soaked sage in half a liter of water, let it sit for 8-10 hours then filter the liquid.

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