How To Cure Gingivitis & This Home Remedies? No Dentist Required!!!

Gingivitis is a result of bacteria in the gums, and it causes gum disease. So you should start treating it in the early stage. The symptoms of gingivitis are: bleeding around the gums, swollen gums, receding gums, and inflammation of the gums.

Here are some remedies of how you can treat early stage gingivitis at home.
Prepare a solution of salt and water to swish. The salt will kill the bacteria by changing the pH level in your mouth. This will also reduce the swelling.

● ½ tablespoon salt
● 1 glass lukewarm water or mustard oil

Put the salt into a glass with water and stir well. Swish your mouth with this 2-3 times a day.
Make a paste of salt and a few drops of mustard oil. Put the paste on your gum for 3 minutes. Repeat this 3 times a day.

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Baking soda
Baking soda is an ingredient we always have at home. It balances the pH levels in the mouth.

● 1-2 tablespoons of coconut oil
● 1-2 cups warm water

Put coconut or sesame oil your mouth, and swish. Continue for 10 minutes and spit out. Rinse out your mouth with warm water.’

Lemon juice
Lemon juice is rich with vitamin C and it is anti-inflammatory.

● 1 squeezed lemon
● 1 glass of warm water

Mix the water and the lemon and rinse your mouth on a daily basis.

Clove oil
Clove oil has been used for treating oral infections since the old times.

● 3-5 drops clove oil
● Cotton swab

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Pour few drops of clove oil into a cotton swab. Hold it against the affected gum for a few minutes. You can also chew a clove everyday to get rid of teeth and gum disease.

Curcumin is consisted in the turmeric which is known for its anti-inflammatory effect.

● 4 tablespoons Turmeric
● 8 tablespoons of Neem powder
● ¼ tablespoon Alum powder
● ¼ tablespoon salt

In a medium sized bowl, combine all the ingredients and mix thoroughly.
Store it in an air-tight container.
When you are ready to use it, rub a moderate amount on your gum and let it sit for about 15 minutes.
Rinse your mouth with warm water thereafter. Do this 2 times daily for best results

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