How to Create a Holistic Medicine Cabinet

It’s not hard to create your own Holistic Medicine Cabinet.

When I was a little girl, I was certain that all the answers for disease rested in the Amazon jungle. It has always been a passion of mine to let the earth provide the medicine that our bodies need to support health.
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I’m not against modern medicine by any means, in fact, I wouldn’t be here writing this post without the skilled hands of surgeons and clean operating rooms. In my heart of hearts, it just feels right to try more natural approaches to health before running to get a prescription. I don’t want to cover up symptoms, I want to get to the root of why I have the symptoms, to begin with.
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With that being said, having a collection of great supplements and herbs on hand when you need them is a smart idea. I’m going to take you through what we have in our Holistic medicine cabinet and give you a jump start into making your own.
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Skin Issues:

Oregano Oil is a great antibiotic for skin boils and acne but it needs to be diluted before it is applied. We have successfully removed warts and moles with oregano oil.
Baking soda or Bentonite Clay are good choices for splinters or to dry out poison ivy.
Colloidal Silver is our first pick for a burn or to disinfect a cut.
Lavender Oil has anti-histamine properties which make it a good choice for bug bites and rashes.
Aloe Vera is soothing for sunburns and cuts.
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Respiratory Problems:

Elderberry Syrup is a great choice for respiratory problems ranging from the flu to asthma.
We have used a diffuser multiple times to combat croup or bronchitis, adding eucalyptus, thieves and tea tree oil and leaning right over the diffuser, breathing in the oils. These oils can also be applied right to the chest.
Quercetin is a great anti-histamine that prevents the mast cells from overproducing histamine in the body. This helps asthma, seasonal allergies, and sinus infections.
Vitamin C and Vitamin D3 are important for boosting the immune system and helping your body fight whatever virus you may have.

Stomach Problems:

Apple Cider Vinegar is my first choice for heartburn unless you have Histamine Intolerance then I would choose Baking soda.
Peppermint Oil has very calming effects on the stomach and greatly reduces nausea.
Activated Charcoal is what we use as a stomach bug. It has crazy absorption power and helps to trap bacteria and viruses in the stomach and gut.
Prescript Assist is the probiotic we use as a way to support our digestive system. This is not a treatment for an acute problem but will help long term to support your system.

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