Get healthy, strong nails with this remedy

Frequent use of the nail paints or contact to harsh chemicals along with the poor diet could be a reason for the brittle, discoloured nails. A chemical-free option to help to get rid of this problem is home remedy that can change your nails and keep them well-maintained. Get healthy, strong nails with this remedy

Healthy and Strong Nails with this Remedy

Ingredients like sea salt help to soften and strengthen the cuticles as baking soda and lemon act as effectual whitening agents, reducing appearance of yellow stains.
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How to Make Your Nails Stronger

Do your nails look dull and unhealthy? Are they prone to breaking? You are not alone. It is a common problem.
Nails has composed of laminated layers of a protein called keratin. Healthy nails are smooth, without pits or grooves. Also, healthy nails are uniform in color and consistency and free of spots or discoloration.
On the other hand, weak nails break easily and do not grow easily. Soft nails should also have signs of yellowing & discoloration.
Weak & unhealthy nails are often due to negligence & improper care. They become vulnerable when they dry out and become brittle. A long-term expression to water or chemicals, such as detergents and nail polish, are the main reasons behind thin nails.
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Here are the top 5 techniques to make the nails stronger naturally.

1. Olive Oil

Olive oil is an excellent remedy for the weak nails. The oil helps to moisturize the nails. It also promotes repair damage and softens nails and cuticles, which in turn leads to strong & healthy nails.
Massage the nails thoroughly with some warm olive oil, covering both the top and underside of the nails. Wait 15 minutes, & then clean it off with water. Do this 2 or 3 times regular.
Alternatively, mix three teaspoons of warm olive oil and one teaspoon of lemon juice. Apply this mixture to the nails using the cotton swab. Allow it to dry, & then put on the pair of soft, cotton gloves. Do this daily before going to bed, and in the morning, wash it off with the warm water.

2. Green Tea

Green tea can also make the nails strong & healthy. The antioxidants in green tea help stop brittle nails as well as strengthen them. At the same time, green tea helps reduce yellow discolouring.
Brew a cup of green tea and allow it to cool. Soak the nails in it for 10 to 15 minutes, twice a week.

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