DIY Heartburn Remedies That Work

Heartburn and Acid Reflux is a big issue for many people. It affects many people for many reasons. It is a burning feeling that is triggered by certain food, drinks and activities.
Alcohol particularly red wine, caffeine, citrus fruits like oranges and lemons are all popular triggers for heartburn. Tomatoes, chocolate, garlic, black pepper and raw onions are others.The good news is that there are some great natural remedies that can help you.
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Heartburn often occurs after eating fatty, fried, or acidic foods. The burning sensation is caused by acidic stomach juices rising into the esophagus when the valve between the esophagus and stomach does not close properly.
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Acid inhibiting drugs that may be prescribed have been known to have adverse effects and even increase the chance of heart attack. Always consider natural alternatives over prescription and a health professional’s advice should also be sought.
Stress and a lack of sleep can also increase acid reflux and heartburn. According to web health solutions, smoking relaxes the LES and stimulates stomach acid. This is a major contributor of the condition and just another reason that if you are still smoking, you should be giving it up as soon as possible.
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There are a number of foods that you can eat that can greatly reduce your Acid Reflux flare ups. Almonds, Cucumber, Apple Cider Vinegar and Honey are just some of the great choices. Kefir and Yogurt and Fermented Vegetables are also other alternatives.
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As mentioned previously, the good news is that there are natural alternatives to harsh and dangerous medications and many of the ingredients may already be hiding out in your pantry. This list of 5 popular remedies is a great place to start. Let’s look in depth.

1.  Baking Soda

Baking Soda is known to have many uses around the home but it also has excellent properties to aid with your heartburn. Being a natural antacid it will give you relief within minutes.

2. Fennel Seeds

Fennel Seeds are another secret weapon. Chew them several times a day and you will have the benefit of fresh breath but it will also reduce the production of stomach acids.
You can also drink Tea made from Fennel Seeds.
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3. Mint Leaves

Chewing Mint Leaves is also effective and aids digestion. It has soothing properties.

4. Fresh Ginger

Fresh Ginger is another very popular home remedy. It helps absorb acid in the stomach and helps to calm your nerves. You can spice up your meals with it too.

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is another favorite. It has very good soothing properties. Aloe Vera Juice will reducing inflammation and healing the gastrointestinal tract.

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