The usual shampoo and conditioner are not enough for your hair because they need nourishment too. A good shampoo will cleanse your hair deeply and a conditioner will make it smooth and manageable but what about nourishment? If you don’t nourish your hair with a good hair oil then with time your hairs can look dull, dehydrated and rough. Oiling not only nourishes your hair but it also deeply nourishes the scalp which promotes hair growth.

Coconut oil, almond oil, mustard oil etc. are few carrier oils which are commonly used for hair massage. Here is a hair oil recipe for hair growth. This hair oil is very effective and it will not only promote hair growth but also targets many other hair problems.
Coconut oil has the benefits of fatty-aids and that is why it penetrates deeply into the scalp making scalp healthier. Coconut oil when mixed with castor oil provides natural nutrients to the scalp which are essential for hair growth.
Castor oil improves blood circulation to the scalp and prevents scalp problems due to the antibacterial properties. All this eventually helps in hair regrowth.
Lavender oil will treat all your scalp problems and thus the scalp will show faster hair growth results.
Peppermint oil and castor oil both have anti-bacterial properties so they prevent hair-loss. Say goodbye to dry, itchy, flaky scalp due to the anti-bacterial properties of peppermint oil.
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What you need:

  1. Coconut oil (50 ml)
  2. Castor Oil (50 ml)
  3. Lavender (4-6 drops)
  4. Peppermint Oil (4-6 drops)

Take coconut oil and castor oil in a bowl. Add few drops of essential oil and mix everything well. Don’t use peppermint oil in huge amount because it is very strong.
Mix everything well and store it in a clean bottle.
How to Use:
This hair oil can be used 2-3 times a week:
Pour oil in a bowl according to your hair length and warm it up in the microwave for few seconds.
Massage the oil into the scalp and strands carefully. After a thorough massage, wear a shower cap.
Let the oil stay for 30-45 minutes or overnight and then rinse with regular shampoo.

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