We all know how fun bath bombs are when they fizz in the tub. Well how about a lush shower bomb that fizzes when you take a shower? The aromas from the essential oils that are released can transform your mood and ultimately make you feel better. So, when you’re feeling congested adding eucalyptus and peppermint essential oils is the perfect remedy to clear your sinuses. This easy shower bombs recipe can be altered by changing the essential oils used. The best part? You can make them in just minutes. Here’s how.


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In a bowl, mix the citric acid and baking soda together with a whisk.

Add peppermint essential oil (approximately 10 drops) and eucalyptus essential oil (approximately 20 drops).  You can add more or less depending on how strong of a fragrance you desire.

Begin spritzing the mixture.  Only spritz once at a time and mixing in between until you get a crumbly mixture. (Approximately 10 spritzes.) If you spritz too many times in between mixing the mixture will begin to fizz, which means you are getting it too wet too fast.
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Your finished consistency should lightly stick together.

Firmly press the mixture into ice cube tray. If you have other molds like a mini muffin pan or silicone molds feel free to use those.

Here is what it looks like when it is firmly packed. Let sit for about 10 minutes.
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After approximately 10 minutes, turn out shower bombs onto wax or parchment paper. You can transfer to a cooling rack to finish the drying process.


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