If your eyebrows have not seen tweezers for several weeks, perhaps it’s time to their grant a little attention. It starts with their return to their former line or why not take advantage to make it to a professional? There are now specialists who will trace the shape adjusted according to your face.

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However, if you will do this at home, here are some tips?

Thick, thin, indomitable? Before you go through the makeup phase, it is necessary to know what types of eyebrows you have. If this isn’t the hair follicle, missing you, then your eyebrows are thick. Even if the volume is not a problem, you can always tweeze a bit on 3 inside your line to thin out the whole. Conversely, if you lack material and you do everything to accelerate growth, it is clear that you have thin or sparse eyebrows. But don’t panic! There are many ways to bridge this gap.
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Eyebrows like the rest of your face require much attention during makeup. Depending on your preference, you can opt for the pencil or powder.


The first step is to brush them. Using a special brush with a small brush, brush upwards and then downwards. Color side, be sure to have a tint pencil or powder close to your natural color. Tip: always choose a shade darker than your hair color (natural well understood). If you prefer the pencil for its precision, fill the scattered places, then blend with finger or using the brush.
If you opt for the powder, do not forget to put before the fixing wax or cream to hang matter. Then work the eyebrows with powder without neglecting the brush for the finishing stage.
If you have no preference for one or the other, be aware that the powder is more suitable for novices. It ensures a more natural fade and requires a less precise application.
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Eyebrows are one of the most important parts of our face, frame the look and give our appearance a special appearance. The goal is to make them beautiful, but also combine with our strokes and let our harmonious face. So let’s concentrate on how to make up your eyebrows easily.
If you have a few hairs out of the place that alters the shape as you want, the ideal is to use a hair removal, but consider that full eyebrows are very beautiful and that the goal is not to lose them with a waxing that let them too thin. See our article How to Shape Eyebrows to learn how to do it.

  1. Not all the women need eyebrow makeup. For example, if you are sufficiently filled and reach where they should, but the truth is that we don’t always have the luck to have perfect eyebrows.
  2. Start using a special product for eyebrow makeup: you can opt for the shadow or pencil version and should always choose two shades to more than your hair, if dark, and two-tone unless it is very light (blond or red).
  3. Comb your eyebrows with a special comb for to make them completely straight and ready for makeup. Also, you must have a brush with the bristles diagonally to apply the makeup.
  4. If you choose to apply shadow with the brush in the direction of hair growth, seeking to fill the white spaces and shape the eyebrow so that it is perfect. Remember not to overdo with the product to avoid staining your eyes; it is preferable to go little by little by applying more if necessary.
  5. In the case of pencils for eyebrows, you should draw a line across the brow also towards the growth and smudge with a brush. If you notice that after the first application will take more than draw another line and repeat the process.
  6. Since the makeup has been applied it is recommended to use a mask of transparent eyelashes to attach the transparent shadow or pencil. Many people also opt for a bit of petroleum jelly works very well; just remember to use it in small amounts so that the result does not appear to be sticky or greasy.
  7. Many makeup artists and experts recommend more use of shadows than a pencil, because if you get a result much more natural. This, however, is a matter of personal preferences. What it is: the secret to a good eyebrow makeup is, as mentioned above, don’t overdo the quantity if you want the result to let you more beautiful.
  8. When you get the hang of it, makeup your eyebrows will be a matter of minutes, so cheer up to try this trick and check your results.
  9. If you want to read more articles like How to Makeup My Eyebrows Easily, we recommend that you enter our category of Makeup.

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Castor oil from the castor plant seed is a product of the optimal thickness and to enhance the beauty of their eyebrows and eyelashes. The castor plant is also known as castor bean or castor oil, and it is a plant of Central Africa and other tropical regions whose main property is to rejuvenate.
Besides contributing to wonderful benefits to the skin and hair, today we will focus on the power of castor oil to increase the thickness and beauty of the eyebrows and eyelashes. Continue reading this article and learn how to use castor oil on the eyebrows and eyelashes so you can view them more cared for and splendid than ever.
Castor oil is a potent moisturizer and cell re-generator that remarkably improves skin appearance and slows the effects of premature aging. In addition to the listed properties, it helps keep the eyebrows and eyelashes more shiny and soft.
Generally, over the years the eyelashes and eyebrows lose brightness, thickness, and volume, become brittle, fragile and sensitive to the touch, which causes the loss of the same with just a touch. But this oil strengthens the eyelashes and eyebrows, making them brighter, thick and long. In this way, get a younger face, alive and set.
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