Any Woman Over 40 Should Be Using This Essential Oil Every Day

The 40s are a difficult period inevery woman’s life. It’s a time when your body slowly starts deteriorating, so you experience drastic changes. With a possible mid-life crisis on the way, you should definitely take care of your body more at this critical time, and we’re not talking about taking multivitamins or pills. As a matter of fact, you can neutralize all the changes you’re experiencing naturally with the help of the powerful clary sage oil, which has been used in the past to reduce the onset of menopause.

Whether it’s anxiety, stress, digestive problems or menstrual discomfort you’re experiencing, this great essential oil can solve all problems naturally and without endangering your health. Take a look at some of its amazing health benefits:

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1. Relieves Menstrual Pain

Due to the changes in the menstrual cycle in the 40s, you’re far more likely to experience pain and other types of menstrual discomfort. Fortunately, clary sage oil can help. Whenever you’re suffering from cramps, mood swings, bloating or cravings, you can mix a few drops of it with coconut or jojoba oil and massage your belly. This will provide an almost instant relief, with even science confirming the oil’s great benefits.

2. Regulates Your Hormones

The risk of hormonal imbalance is greatly increased over the age of 40. Hormonal imbalance can be quite troublesome and can also do a lot of damage if left untreated. The problem is that it’s quite difficult to diagnose, so doctors often misdiagnose and mistreat it, spawning a variety of health problems.
The good news is that inhaling clary sage oil can easily bring balance to your hormones and improve your mood. You can put some in your diffuser and turn it on – this way, you will prevent your hormones from going whack.
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3. Reduces Stress

Stress is harmful to young people, but it’s definitely devastating for women over 40s. It’s probably one of the biggest concerns over the age of 40 and should be reduced as soon as possible. Fortunately, using clary sage oil as aromatherapy (6 drops of clary sage and 2 drops of orange oil in a diffuser) will keep you calm and relaxed, preventing the stress from triggering anxiety and possibly depression.

4. Prevents Infections

According to one study, clary sage oil can prevent a variety of skin infections and even accelerate the healing of minor wounds. The oil has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties which can do wonders for minor skin injuries. If you decide to use it, only rub a few drops of the oil around the injured area.

5. Improves Circulation

By opening up your blood vessels, clary sage oil allows proper blood flow and circulation, which means lower blood pressure. If you’re suffering from high blood pressure in your 40s, and you most likely are, inhaling clary sage oil can do wonders for you. Try this – mix 6 drops of clary sage oil, 12 drops of mandarin oil, 6 drops of rose geranium oil, and 3 drops of cinnamon oil in a spray bottle with water, then spray the mixture in your home. It will keep your blood pressure and circulation in check, while also making your home smell heavenly.
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6. Boost Digestion

Clary sage will boost your digestion and raise the secretion of bile juice in your stomach, effectively relieving a host of digestive problems. It is a natural remedy for bowel movements and can also successfully reduce your cholesterol levels. All you need to do is prepare a hot compress with some clary sage and coconut oil, then apply it on your stomach.

7. Keeps Your Skin Healthy

Clary sage oil contains a powerful compound known as linalyl acetate, a natural phytochemical that can improve the health of your skin. Using the oil as a skin moisturizer will keep it flexible and prevent the onset of aging signs. For best results, we suggest diluting it with a carrier oil (olive, jojoba or coconut oil) before using it every day.
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8. Relieves Insomnia

Clary sage is a natural laxative plant that promotes deep sleep and helps us relax. By improving our sleep and relieving insomnia, it improves our quality of life.
For best results, either diffuse clary sage oil in your bedroom or make a balm of the following oils:

Melt everything in a double boiler, then let the mix cool down before transferring it to small containers. You can rub this balm on your temples whenever your head hurts or you can’t fall asleep.


Clary sage has been used as a natural remedy for millennia against a variety of health problems. It is generally safe for all women, although pregnant women, especially those in the first trimester, should use it with caution. Using clary sage oil before or after drinking alcohol can cause nightmares and trouble sleeping, so it might be a good idea to avoid it.
Additionally, if you’re planning on using the oil, we suggest talking to your doctor, as it may interfere with certain medications.

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