We all wish for a flat belly to look amazing in our bathing suit, or to look gorgeous in those clothes that follow perfectly the lines of our body.
Well, as long as we don’t born with a six pack, then we have to work to get that perfect shaped abdomen. First of all, you have to have a healthy lifestyle, and introducing some easy exercises in your daily routine.

The exercises listed below will give you those famous six pack abs in no time, helping you to get rid of that unsightly pooch.
1. Heel Touches Exercise
This is a relatively simple exercise but it will put your abdomen muscles to do some serious work, being one of the best abs exercises to get a six pack you’ll perform.
To do this exercise right, you’ll have to lie on your back and bend your knees up, keeping your feet soles flat on the ground.
Then you will have to take each of your hands to touch the heels of your feet.
So, your right hand should touch the right heel and your left hand should touch your left heel.
Alternate the hands so that your body swings from one side to another.
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2. Single Knee Raise Crunch Exercise

For this one from the package of best abs exercises to get a six pack, maintain your position, lying on your back with your knees bent up, just like before.
What you will have to do know is make sure your knees touch your elbows. So, your right knee should touch your left elbow and your left knee should touch your right elbow.
What you will have to do know is make sure your knees touch your elbows. So, your right knee should touch your left elbow and your left knee should touch your right elbow.
To do this, lift your feet off the ground and slightly bend forward from your middle while having your palms behind your back so that you can bring one knee to touch one elbow on a diagonal.
Alternate the knees and elbows, so that they touch one at a time.

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3. Reach Through Exercise

Again, lie on your back, with your knees bent. Gently spread your knees so that your arms can go through that space.
Stretch your arms forward, putting one of your palms above the other, to form a V with your arms.
Now, lift your middle so that your joint palms go through your legs, ending up parallel with your thighs.
Then lay back on the floor and do this again, using your ab’s muscles to perform this exercise.
This is probably one of the toughest in the series of best abs exercises to get a six pack.

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4. Wide Toe Touches Exercise

You will have to lie on your back and lift your feet up, just like when you perform the candle position.
But this time, your arms will be widespread, out to the sides; similar to when you are expecting a hug.
Do remember to keep your feet up straight throughout the entire exercise.
Flex your abdomen and bring your hands forward, in an attempt to reach your toes.
Go as far as you can, without allowing your feet to do down.
Go back on your back with your hands spread wide and repeat.

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5. Starfish Crunch for Ab Exercise

Lie on your back, with your feet and hands on the ground.
Spread your legs and take your hands above your head, spreading them as well, in order to form a star with your body.
Now lift one leg up, keeping it straight, and bring the opposite hand forward, bending from your middle for this.
Put the leg and arm down and get back on your back, raising the other leg now and bringing forward the other opposite hand, going back to the flat position on your back each time.
Alternate your legs and arms and repeat.

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6. Windmills Exercise

If you hadn’t got enough of these best abs exercises to get a six pack, here is another one for you.
Lie on your back and put your legs up straight, like getting ready to perform a candle.
Put your arms alongside your body, as you are going to use them for support.
Now, while keeping your legs up, bend to the side using your middle muscles to control the movement, and try to get your legs as close as possible to the ground.
Don’t forget to use your hands as support, so spread them if you have to.
Do not allow your legs to fall to the ground, so go as far as possible to one side, getting back to your initial position when you feel that you can’t control it anymore.
Do the same on the other side as well, alternating from one side to the other.

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7. Side Planks Exercise

The last and the best exercise to get six pack
Sit on the ground on your side, using your elbow as support.
Make your legs are nice and straight, preparing the sole on your opposite leg for support, putting the sole on the ground.
Now lift your body, pushing it from the middle upward as much as possible, allowing only your elbow and the sole of your feet to stay on the ground.
You can put the other hand on your hip or you can raise it up, pointing toward the ceiling, if you want to make the exercise more difficult.
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