7 Day Law Of Attraction Guide

Day 2: Visualization

The art of visualization is an extremely powerful Law Of Attraction Tool and can be done whenever you have a quiet moment.
You can use visualization techniques while is a meditative state.
First focus only on your breathing for a few minutes to put yourself in somewhat of a trance. Once you are completely relaxed, imagine your desired scenario being played out within your mind’s eye.
If you don’t have a lot of time to meditate, try this technique in bed before you go to sleep or early in the morning right after you wake up.
Another way you can use visualization is to bring it into your everyday life using somewhat of an imagination game. This is called “acting as if”.
For example, if you are manifesting a date with your crush, play out your waking life as if your crush has already said yes and the date has been locked in for the coming weekend.
Walk with a spring in your step, feel the excitement rushing through your veins and the butterflies in your stomach. Plan out what you are going to wear and where you might be going.boardwalk-daylight-environment-1204937
If you have a manifestation journal, write down three scenarios that you want to visualize. This will help you to focus all of your energy on one specific desire and prevent you from going off track.

When manifesting a date with your crush you could use the following scenario’s:

  • Going out to dinner with your date (notice your body language. Are you charming and confident? is your date laughing at your jokes?).
  • Telling your friends how great your date was.
  • Receiving a call from your date the next day and he/she is telling you what a great time they had.

These techniques can be used for any kind of manifestation whether it be money, career, love or something else.
Using 3 scenarios will allow you to cover all bases and to get the best possible results out of your manifestation.

Day 3: Affirmations

Come up with a set of affirmations in relation to your goal and write them out in your manifestation journal. If you don’t have a journal, post it stamps or a piece scrap paper will do the trick.
Whenever you can, repeat this set of affirmations either in your head or even better, aloud.
Some examples of affirmations for someone who is manifesting an invite to a social event are as follows:

  • I am approachable
  • I am fun
  • I am easy going
  • I am the life of the party
  • I am always invited to parties

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