12 High-Protein Vegetables To Help Your Body Repair Cells and Make New Ones

Amino Acids and Protein

Protein is essentially made out of small molecules called amino acids. Since the cells in your intestine can’t absorb whole proteins, digestive enzymes help break down the proteins into their component amino acids. These amino acids are then absorbed into the bloodstream and safely delivered at different parts around the body where they are required.

It was once believed that essential amino acids only exist within animal-based foods. As we now know, this is false, and essential amino acids are found abundantly in plant-based foods.

Essential amino acids are amino acids there are the building blocks of protein that our body can’t produce by itself. So if we don’t eat them, we won’t get enough of them.

Eating a wide variety of fruit and vegetables every day will ensure you’re getting the appropriate amino acids. Plant-based protein is also much easier for the body to assimilate and digest than protein that comes from animal products. For example, if you eat a bunch of sprouts, or kale for instance, all your body has to do is digest the fibre from the plant, while utilizing all the rest. With animal products, the waste that is left behind after picking out the certain amino acids sits in our colon as there is no fibre to push it out.

Too Much Protein A Bad Thing?

Too much protein is associated with several diseases. And I’m not talking about plant protein, I’m talking about animal protein (aka. meat, eggs and dairy). One study found that animal proteins increase participants’ risk of death by up to 74% (compared to their low-protein counterparts), even when controlling for a high amount of fat and carbs in their diet. These individuals were also several times more likely to die of diabetes.

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