The Ultimate Guide for Choosing Makeup Based on Your Face Shape

The Five Face Shapes and Best Makeup Looks

  1. Oval-Shaped Face The oval-shaped face is definitely the most common of all five shapes and is characterized by a slightly rounded shape where the width of the forehead is the widest part of the face and the length of the face is longer than the width. This shaped face should wear makeup that is balanced and that highlights one feature at a time. For instance, if you are wearing a bold lip color, keep the eyes more subdued so that the lips stand out. Conversely, if you are trying to draw focus to the eyes, keep the lips a soft, natural shade
  2. Square-Shaped Face A square-shaped face is the most angular of all face shapes and is usually characterized by a strong and defined jawline. Square-shaped faces have a wide forehead as well as a wide jaw so contouring can also help to soften the angles of your face. Play up the lips to accentuate this feature by wearing bright and bold colors. Using a highlighter (bright or subtle) to define your eyes can also give your face some extra definition.
  3. Heart-Shaped Face The heart-shaped face is easily recognized by the pointed chin and wide forehead. If you have this shaped face then your jawline is most likely angular so the types of makeup techniques you use should aim for a softer look. Heart shaped faces have a natural definition so with contouring it is best to blend well to maintain the balance of your makeup with your face. Try playing up your eyes with a deep, smoky look and give your eyes extra emphasis with a couple of coats of mascara!
  4. Round-Shaped Face Round-shaped faces are very similar to oval-shaped faces except for the fact that the cheeks are the widest part of the face. If you have a round face, your features will generally be a little more rounded too, especially at the jawline. Since the cheeks are the widest part of this face shape, you should definitely make use of contouring to give your face some depth. It is also a good idea to accent your cheeks with blush which will add a rosy and glowing hint of color. Eyebrows should also be well defined and arched to bring some contrast to the roundness of your face.
  5. Oblong-Shaped Face The oblong-shaped face is similar to a square face except that it is not quite as angular and the chin is slightly more rounded. To minimize the width of your face, contouring and highlighter can be used at the jaws and the temples. To accentuate your eyes you can get dramatic with eye makeup especially with eyeliner which can be used to create a winged cat eye look that draws out the eyes. Blush should be applied above the apples of your cheeks instead of on them to give a more rounded appearance.

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