Start Doing This Routine daily to Get Rid of Back Pain Forever

2. Cobra Pose

These yoga pose stretches the muscles in the shoulders, removes stiffness from the lower back, and flexes and strengthens the spine. Them too relieves you from fatigue and stress.

  1. Lie on your stomach with your palms on the floor by the side of your chest.
  2. Now slowly lift your upper body and arch. Don’t press too hard on the ground with your
  3. palms and arch only until you’re comfortable.
  4. Hold the position for 30 seconds.
  5. Repeat 4 times.

3. Psoas stretch

This muscles inherit play as we move but is adversely affected if we sit more. If this muscles get shortened or tight, it can lead to a backache. Psoas stretches work by elongating and strengthening the psoas muscles.

  1. Start by standing straight and move your right leg forward, and your left leg back while bending your right knee. Hold your upper body straight.
  2. Keep to these position for some seconds then lower your left knee to touch the floor. Now move your upper body forward while keeping them straight.
  3. Applying your left hand pull your left heel up. Hold for thirty seconds and switch.
  4. Repeat doubly.

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