How To Naturally Remove Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin Tags, & Age Spots

Natural Remedies for Warts

Warts are growths that are noncancerous. Typically, they occur on the feet and hands. They can spread among people from direct or indirect contact.
Fresh garlic is the first natural remedy that can help you remove your warts.
You should crush a clove of garlic, apply it to your warts and secure it with a bandage.
Let it stand for half an hour then remove the bandage.
Repeat this procedure two times a day, for 1 week or until you eliminate warts.
Vitamin C is the next one on our list of natural remedy.
You should crush a few vitamin C pills and mix it with half a tablespoon of water.
Apply the mixture to your warts and secure it with a bandage.
If you experience a burning sensation, do not worry since this is a normal reaction that will quickly go away.

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