Any Woman Over 40 Should Be Using This Essential Oil Every Day

1. Relieves Menstrual Pain

Due to the changes in the menstrual cycle in the 40s, you’re far more likely to experience pain and other types of menstrual discomfort. Fortunately, clary sage oil can help. Whenever you’re suffering from cramps, mood swings, bloating or cravings, you can mix a few drops of it with coconut or jojoba oil and massage your belly. This will provide an almost instant relief, with even science confirming the oil’s great benefits.

2. Regulates Your Hormones

The risk of hormonal imbalance is greatly increased over the age of 40. Hormonal imbalance can be quite troublesome and can also do a lot of damage if left untreated. The problem is that it’s quite difficult to diagnose, so doctors often misdiagnose and mistreat it, spawning a variety of health problems.
The good news is that inhaling clary sage oil can easily bring balance to your hormones and improve your mood. You can put some in your diffuser and turn it on – this way, you will prevent your hormones from going whack.
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