10 Warning Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut and What to do About It

10 Warning Signs You Have an Unhealthy Gut

  1. Stress, Anxiety and Depression

The lining of your intestines is filled with nerves that contain similar tissue as the brain. These nerves communicate with the brain.
Your intestines also release the same feel-good neurotransmitters that are responsible for making you feel good. If your gut bacteria is in balance, you’re more likely to feel mentally balanced too.

  1. You Get Sick a Lot

If you find that you catch every sniffle that goes around the office, all the vitamin C in the world may not help. According to the Gut Health Project, more than three-quarters of your immune system is found in your gastrointestinal tract.
This is for real, y’all.  Alex (co-founder of Avocadu) had troubles with his gut both times that we traveled abroad this year, and it SERIOUSLY compromised his immune system.
We ended up in the hospital in Nicaragua, and he got sick for 3 weeks in Bali.

A healthy microbiome, the balance of bacteria in your gut, produces healthy mucus that traps unwanted bacteria, viruses and toxins and helps remove them from the body.
Healthy mucus also allows your body to absorb the right vitamins and minerals to help support your immunity.
If your gut is unhealthy, thick, harmful mucus can help the wrong bugs thrive and limit your body’s ability to use vitamins and nutrients properly, leading to what may seem like constant sickness.
Next up on our list of warning signs you have an unhealthy gut is…Please Click “Next”or “Open”To Read More

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